Ways to Give
Gifts with a Purpose Gifts with a Purpose
Give Now

Give a one time gift today to the Willamette Master Chorus and anytime in the future.

Donate by Phone

Call our office at (503) 580-0406. If we aren’t in the office, just leave a message and a suggested time for us to return your call.

Donate via Text

If you wish to donate using funds through text, please text WMC to 44321 to donate directly from your phone.

Sponsor a Concert

See your name in our program! Willamette Master Chorus has a range of concert sponsorship opportunities available for corporations, businesses, and individuals. For concert sponsorship details, call our office at (503) 580-0406.

Donate While You Shop Anywhere

Willamette Master Chorus is part of the eScrip program. By joining eScrip, you contribute to Willamette Master Chorus every time you use your credit card, and it doesn’t cost you a penny! Just visit eScrip.com to sign up! Willamette Master Chorus is registered with eScrip as Willamette Master Chorus, and our group number is 500827095.

Sustaining Gifts Sustaining Gifts
Give Monthly

Join our monthly sustainers and make an even greater impact.

Matching Gifts

Many companies will make a matching gift that not only multiplies the impact of your donation but entitles you to increased benefits! Many community-minded companies, such as the ones listed below, will make a matching gift to the Willamette Master Chorus that not only multiplies the impact of your donation but upgrades your donor level and entitles you to increased opportunities! Follow these steps to find out:

  • Make a gift online.
  • Find out if your company makes matching gifts.
  • Follow the instructions your company provides.

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. -Winston Churchill
Legacy Gifts Legacy Gifts
IRA Gifts

You can support local arts in your community by giving through an IRA charitable rollover. Under the Taxpayer Relief Act of 2015, if you are over the age of 70½, you can distribute up to $100,000 per calendar year from an IRA to a non-profit organization such as the WMC, tax-free. This can be especially advantageous to IRA owners who are required each year to take their minimum distributions—which are then included in their taxable income. An IRA gift that is directed to an organization such as the WMC, counts toward the required minimum distribution, but is not included in the IRA owner’s taxable income. This is known as an IRA charitable rollover or a qualified charitable distribution.

To make an IRA charitable distribution:

  • You must be 70½ or older at the time of the distribution.
  • Have your IRA administrator make the distribution directly to Willamette Master Chorus at PO Box 585 Salem, OR 97308.
  • The WMC’s tax-ID number is
  • Call our office for details at
    (503) 580-0406.

    This information is not intended as financial or legal advice. Please consult your professional advisors for advice before taking any action.

Donate Stocks

Donating appreciated stocks and securities to Willamette Master Chorus can offer you a tax-efficient alternative way to support Willamette Master Chorus programs. By making an appreciated stock donation, you will escape any capital gains taxes on those stocks. In addition, if your tax circumstances permit, you can deduct the current market value of the gift for income tax purposes, just as if you had made a cash donation. The after-tax cost of making your charitable gift may be less with a gift of appreciated stocks than with cash.

Call our office for details at
(503) 580-0406.

Still have questions?
Please reach out. We're here to help!